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What Are ICD-11 Codes For Back Pain And Why Are They Important?

If you have ever had to query a doctor's bill you might have heard the term 'ICD-11 code'. Most of the time, when we visit our doctor for a medical problem, we spend a few minutes with the PA or NP, a few minutes with the doctor, pay our co-pay, and head home.

Unless there is an issue with the charge, very few of us actually see the bill or the coding that is used by the doctor and sent to the insurance company. So very few of us ever know what an ICD code is or what its purpose is. In this blog we are going to explore what ICD-11 codes are and how they might impact you if you have low back pain. Let's go!

ICD codes are used to classify diseases in the healthcare field.

What Are ICD Codes?

The term “ICD” stands for ‘International Classification of Diseases’. These are codes that are assigned to various diseases and conditions that affect people in their daily lives. This system is used by physicians and healthcare providers to classify and code all diagnoses, symptoms and procedures that are done when providing healthcare services to patients.

ICD codes are important because they give the healthcare community a common language to use for the recording, reporting, and monitoring of diseases.

Why Are ICD Codes Important?

ICD codes are important because they give the healthcare community a common language to use for the recording, reporting, and monitoring of diseases. When we have a common language that can be used around the world, different countries can compare and share data about diseases in a uniform and consistent way.

This information helps healthcare professionals to track trends and analyze various conditions in order to treat patients better. ICD codes also enable the sharing of data between hospitals and regions.

ICD 11 is the latest coding system that has been implemented in 2022.

The History of ICD Codes

The ICD system was created to track morbidity (health issues) and diseases within populations. Over the years, along with CPT (current procedural terminology) codes, ICD has evolved into the “most widely used statistical classification system in the world”. It is also the system that is used to figure out reimbursement claims.

As healthcare evolves and advances, the classification system must also advance. The ICD system has gone through a lot of different revisions, the latest one being the ICD-11. ICD 10 began development in 1983 and was only eventually mandated by the USA in 2015. ICD-11 was released in January 2022 and it has become the new gold standard.

ICD-11 has a more sophisticated and categorized structure than ICD-10.

What Are The Differences Between ICD-10 and ICD-11?

Some of the main differences between the older ICD-10 codes and the newer ICD-11 codes are the following:

1. More Detail

ICD-11 has a more sophisticated and categorized structure than ICD-10. This means that codes are even more specific and can be used in a broader range of classifications for diseases, disorders, injuries, and causes of death. For example, instead of saying someone died in a motor vehicle accident, the coding could reflect that specific injuries were generated via specific aspects of the accident.

ICD-11 provides translations into 43 different languages.

  1. A More Global Application:

ICD-11 codes are easier to use in international settings as they provide guidance for different cultural experiences and influences. It also provides translations into 43 different languages.

3. Digital Readiness:

ICD-11 is more intuitive when it comes to digital health records in the digital age. It is also easier to integrate with various electronic health applications.

ICD-11 codes are easier to integrate with the new EHR systems.

4. Pandemic Ready:

ICD-11 will has emergency pandemic codes built into it to help confirm a Covid-19 diagnosis, classify conditions, and establish COVID-19 as the actual cause of death. It can also record information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and adverse reactions to the vaccinations.

While ICD-11 took effect on January 1, 2022, it has taken some time for it to become properly established throughout the healthcare industries around the globe.

ICD codes can help us gather more data around low back pain for more effective management.

How Do ICD Codes Affect Low Back Pain?

So, how do ICD codes work with regards to low back pain. Well, low back pain is notoriously difficult to diagnose and to treat. The more information that we can gather around this condition, the better our chances are of being able to manage the condition in the future. If can gather vast amounts of data on how their back pain first started, or on what types of activities and things cause flare ups, we will be much more informed on how to anticipate, treat, or even prevent low back pain from happening.

ICD data can help track comorbidities that occur with low back pain

Having accurate information around low back pain can also help the healthcare industry in the following ways:

  • Track complications and the severity of the condition,

  • Track comorbidities that occur with low back pain

  • Measure current standards of care that are provided to patients

  • Help make better clinical/treatment decisions

  • Identify when a condition could be fraudulent and be used to claim disability unlawfully

  • Help track the effects of low back pain on the workforce and employment

  • Help individuals receive reimbursement for new treatments and therapies that show effectiveness in managing the condition.

ICD codes help individuals with low back pain reimbursement.

What Are The ICD-11 Codes for Low Back Pain?

Some of the main ICD-11 codes used in managing low back pain are the following:

  • MG30.02: This code represents "Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain" and is the primary code used for chronic low back pain in ICD-11.

  • MG30.31: Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain associated with structural changes.

  • MG30.3: Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain.

  • MG30.5: Chronic neuropathic pain.

  • MG30.51: Chronic peripheral neuropathic pain.

  • ME84: Spinal pain.

  • ME84.2: Low back pain.

  • ME84.2Z: Low back pain, unspecified.

LivaFortis explores some of the new ICD-11 codes for back pain.

What Is The ICD-11 Code For Low Back Pain?

Back pain falls under the stem code of “spinal pain” in the ICD-11 system. It is named as back pain NOS (no other symptoms) and pain in the back as inclusion terms under the main category “ME84”. The Back Pain ICD-11 code is ME84.Z.

ICD codes give us an international way to talk about low back pain.


While the average person suffering from low back pain is probably not going to see the codes generated by their healthcare visit, gathering this information will ultimately benefit those suffering with the condition.

The more we can learn about the causes of low back pain and how to diagnose the condition, the better we can see which treatments are the most effective and maybe even learn how to prevent the condition in the first place. It has been said that prevention is better than cure, and those who suffer with their backs would surely agree with that statement.

So, next time you experience low back pain, while it might feel like going to your doctor doesn't have much of an impact, you can feel good that you are contributing to the wealth of knowledge about the condition and that you are contributing to research and future results.


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